A while ago Pixie taught me to use the computer. I have written a few emails since then, but this is my very first blog post. Hello world! Sidney and I have settled in well at the rat house. Recently Pixie has been feeling unwell. Actually we are quite worried about her - she is looking quite old now - I can't believe she was ever that tiny pixel of a rat that started blogging at such a young age.
Sid is a humourless sort of a guy and he gets cross if everything isn't just so, but I do like to tease him. He then chases me round rather a lot, but since he isn't very agile I leap out of his way and then sit on the top of something giggling at him. When he isn't being cross with things, Sid likes to sleep...on his head. Very old school, our Sid...

On the other hand, I like to try new things. From a young age I have enjoyed taking tea. I like to drink from mugs, and also chew the tea leaves from the tea strainer. The little human says she wants to upgrade her computer soon (to one of
these), so I have been aiming my mug spillages in the direction of the air vents on the computer. Yesterday I got an extra tickle for toppling a tall glass of sticky juice. If the keyboard hadn't been protected with a plastic cover it would have been toast. Afterwards I found a new mousey friend to curl up with. do you think she likes me?

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